Comic Books News!
Look what’s on the shelf at the Barnes & Noble Thorncreek! Drop by and grab a fresh copy of BOB: NON-UNION PSYCHIC – THE BIG BOOK OF BOB VOL. 1! Plus free access to the short film spin-off COIFFEUR EXTRAORDINAIRE – WAITING FOR LEGROS! What a deal! Thanks Barnes & Noble Thorncreek for supporting local talent!

Look what’s on the shelf at the historical and legendary Mile High Comics! Visit the biggest and baddest comic book shop in the country, if not the world, and get your fresh copy of BOB: NON-UNION PSYCHIC – THE BIG BOOK OF BOB VOL. 1! Plus free access to the short film spin-off COIFFEUR EXTRAORDINAIRE – WAITING FOR LEGROS! What a deal! What an honor! Thanks Mile High Comics for supporting local talent!
The new Warehouse 9 Productions, Ltd. (W9) store is live! Check out the new and improved look and new merchandise!
The Warehouse 9 Film Showcase rocked! We sold out all our book stock! Personalized, signed paperbacks! Fans like physical books!
BOB: NON-UNION PSYCHIC – THE BIG BOOK OF BOB VOL. 1 is available now! In paperback and digital download!